View Javadoc

1   //, created Jan 29, 2003 9:50:57 PM by jwhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2003 John Whaley
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package net.sf.javabdd;
6   import java.util.Arrays;
7   import java.util.BitSet;
8   import java.util.Collection;
9   import java.util.Iterator;
10  import java.util.LinkedList;
11  import java.util.List;
12  import java.util.Map;
13  import java.util.StringTokenizer;
14  import;
15  import;
16  import;
17  import;
18  import;
19  import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
20  import java.lang.reflect.Method;
21  import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
22  import java.math.BigInteger;
23  import;
25  /***
26   * <p>Interface for the creation and manipulation of BDDs.</p>
27   * 
28   * @see net.sf.javabdd.BDD
29   * 
30   * @author John Whaley
31   * @version $Id: 476 2007-03-06 06:08:40Z joewhaley $
32   */
33  public abstract class BDDFactory {
35      public static final String getProperty(String key, String def) {
36          try {
37              return System.getProperty(key, def);
38          } catch (AccessControlException _) {
39              return def;
40          }
41      }
43      /***
44       * <p>Initializes a BDD factory with the given initial node table size
45       * and operation cache size.  Tries to use the "buddy" native library;
46       * if it fails, it falls back to the "java" library.</p>
47       * 
48       * @param nodenum initial node table size
49       * @param cachesize operation cache size
50       * @return BDD factory object
51       */
52      public static BDDFactory init(int nodenum, int cachesize) {
53          String bddpackage = getProperty("bdd", "buddy");
54          return init(bddpackage, nodenum, cachesize);
55      }
57      /***
58       * <p>Initializes a BDD factory of the given type with the given initial
59       * node table size and operation cache size.  The type is a string that
60       * can be "buddy", "cudd", "cal", "j", "java", "jdd", "test", "typed", or
61       * a name of a class that has an init() method that returns a BDDFactory.
62       * If it fails, it falls back to the "java" factory.</p>
63       * 
64       * @param bddpackage BDD package string identifier
65       * @param nodenum initial node table size
66       * @param cachesize operation cache size
67       * @return BDD factory object
68       */
69      public static BDDFactory init(String bddpackage, int nodenum, int cachesize) {
70          try {
71              if (bddpackage.equals("buddy"))
72                  return BuDDyFactory.init(nodenum, cachesize);
73              if (bddpackage.equals("cudd"))
74                  return CUDDFactory.init(nodenum, cachesize);
75              if (bddpackage.equals("cal"))
76                  return CALFactory.init(nodenum, cachesize);
77              if (bddpackage.equals("j") || bddpackage.equals("java"))
78                  return JFactory.init(nodenum, cachesize);
79              if (bddpackage.equals("u"))
80                  return UberMicroFactory.init(nodenum, cachesize);
81              if (bddpackage.equals("micro"))
82                  return MicroFactory.init(nodenum, cachesize);
83              if (bddpackage.equals("jdd"))
84                  return JDDFactory.init(nodenum, cachesize);
85              if (bddpackage.equals("test"))
86                  return TestBDDFactory.init(nodenum, cachesize);
87              if (bddpackage.equals("typed"))
88                  return TypedBDDFactory.init(nodenum, cachesize);
89              if (bddpackage.equals("zdd")) {
90                  BDDFactory bdd = JFactory.init(nodenum, cachesize);
91                  ((JFactory)bdd).ZDD = true;
92                  return bdd;
93              }
94          } catch (LinkageError e) {
95              System.out.println("Could not load BDD package "+bddpackage+": "+e.getLocalizedMessage());
96          }
97          try {
98              Class c = Class.forName(bddpackage);
99              Method m = c.getMethod("init", new Class[] { int.class, int.class });
100             return (BDDFactory) m.invoke(null, new Object[] { new Integer(nodenum), new Integer(cachesize) });
101         }
102         catch (ClassNotFoundException _) {}
103         catch (NoSuchMethodException _) {}
104         catch (IllegalAccessException _) {}
105         catch (InvocationTargetException _) {}
106         // falling back to default java implementation.
107         return JFactory.init(nodenum, cachesize);
108     }
110     /***
111      * Logical 'and'.
112      */
113     public static final BDDOp and   = new BDDOp(0, "and");
115     /***
116      * Logical 'xor'.
117      */
118     public static final BDDOp xor   = new BDDOp(1, "xor");
120     /***
121      * Logical 'or'.
122      */
123     public static final BDDOp or    = new BDDOp(2, "or");
125     /***
126      * Logical 'nand'.
127      */
128     public static final BDDOp nand  = new BDDOp(3, "nand");
130     /***
131      * Logical 'nor'.
132      */
133     public static final BDDOp nor   = new BDDOp(4, "nor");
135     /***
136      * Logical 'implication'.
137      */
138     public static final BDDOp imp   = new BDDOp(5, "imp");
140     /***
141      * Logical 'bi-implication'.
142      */
143     public static final BDDOp biimp = new BDDOp(6, "biimp");
145     /***
146      * Set difference.
147      */
148     public static final BDDOp diff  = new BDDOp(7, "diff");
150     /***
151      * Less than.
152      */
153     public static final BDDOp less  = new BDDOp(8, "less");
155     /***
156      * Inverse implication.
157      */
158     public static final BDDOp invimp = new BDDOp(9, "invimp");
160     /***
161      * <p>Enumeration class for binary operations on BDDs.  Use the static
162      * fields in BDDFactory to access the different binary operations.</p>
163      */
164     public static class BDDOp {
165         final int id; final String name;
166         private BDDOp(int id, String name) {
167    = id;
168    = name;
169         }
170         public String toString() {
171             return name;
172         }
173     }
175     /***
176      * <p>Construct a new BDDFactory.</p>
177      */
178     protected BDDFactory() {
179         String s = this.getClass().toString();
180         if (false) {
181             s = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf('.')+1);
182             System.out.println("Using BDD package: "+s);
183         }
184     }
186     /***
187      * <p>Returns true if this is a ZDD factory, false otherwise.</p>
188      */
189     public boolean isZDD() { return false; }
191     /***
192      * <p>Get the constant false BDD.</p>
193      * 
194      * <p>Compare to bdd_false.</p>
195      */
196     public abstract BDD zero();
198     /***
199      * <p>Get the constant true BDD.</p>
200      * 
201      * <p>Compare to bdd_true.</p>
202      */
203     public abstract BDD one();
205     /***
206      * <p>Get the constant universe BDD.
207      * (The universe BDD differs from the one BDD in ZDD mode.)</p>
208      * 
209      * <p>Compare to bdd_true.</p>
210      */
211     public BDD universe() { return one(); }
213     /***
214      * <p>Get an empty BDDVarSet.</p>
215      * 
216      * <p>Compare to bdd_true.</p>
217      */
218     public BDDVarSet emptySet() {
219         return new BDDVarSet.DefaultImpl(one());
220     }
222     /***
223      * <p>Build a cube from an array of variables.</p>
224      * 
225      * <p>Compare to bdd_buildcube.</p>
226      */
227     public BDD buildCube(int value, List/*<BDD>*/ variables) {
228         BDD result = universe();
229         Iterator i = variables.iterator();
230         int z = 0;
231         while (i.hasNext()) {
232             BDD var = (BDD);
233             if ((value & 0x1) != 0)
234                 var =;
235             else
236                 var = var.not();
237             result.andWith(var);
238             ++z;
239             value >>= 1;
240         }
241         return result;
242     }
244     /***
245      * <p>Build a cube from an array of variables.</p>
246      * 
247      * <p>Compare to bdd_ibuildcube./p>
248      */
249     public BDD buildCube(int value, int[] variables) {
250         BDD result = universe();
251         for (int z = 0; z < variables.length; z++, value >>= 1) {
252             BDD v;
253             if ((value & 0x1) != 0)
254                 v = ithVar(variables[variables.length - z - 1]);
255             else
256                 v = nithVar(variables[variables.length - z - 1]);
257             result.andWith(v);
258         }
259         return result;
260     }
262     /***
263      * <p>Builds a BDD variable set from an integer array.  The integer array
264      * <tt>varset</tt> holds the variable numbers.  The BDD variable set is
265      * represented by a conjunction of all the variables in their positive
266      * form.</p>
267      * 
268      * <p>Compare to bdd_makeset.</p>
269      */
270     public BDDVarSet makeSet(int[] varset) {
271         BDDVarSet res = emptySet();
272         int varnum = varset.length;
273         for (int v = varnum-1; v >= 0; --v) {
274             res.unionWith(varset[v]);
275         }
276         return res;
277     }
281     /***** STARTUP / SHUTDOWN ****/
283     /***
284      * <p>Compare to bdd_init.</p>
285      * 
286      * @param nodenum the initial number of BDD nodes
287      * @param cachesize the size of caches used by the BDD operators
288      */
289     protected abstract void initialize(int nodenum, int cachesize);
291     /***
292      * <p>Returns true if this BDD factory is initialized, false otherwise.</p>
293      * 
294      * <p>Compare to bdd_isrunning.</p>
295      * 
296      * @return  true if this BDD factory is initialized
297      */
298     public abstract boolean isInitialized();
300     /***
301      * <p>Reset the BDD factory to its initial state.  Everything
302      * is reallocated from scratch.  This is like calling done()
303      * followed by initialize().</p>
304      */
305     public void reset() {
306         int nodes = getNodeTableSize();
307         int cache = getCacheSize();
308         domain = null;
309         fdvarnum = 0;
310         firstbddvar = 0;
311         done();
312         initialize(nodes, cache);
313     }
315     /***
316      * <p>This function frees all memory used by the BDD
317      * package and resets the package to its uninitialized state.
318      * The BDD package is no longer usable after this call.</p>
319      * 
320      * <p>Compare to bdd_done.</p>
321      */
322     public abstract void done();
324     /***
325      * <p>Sets the error condition.  This will cause the BDD package to throw an
326      * exception at the next garbage collection.</p>
327      * 
328      * @param code  the error code to set
329      */
330     public abstract void setError(int code);
332     /***
333      * <p>Clears any outstanding error condition.</p>
334      */
335     public abstract void clearError();
339     /***** CACHE/TABLE PARAMETERS ****/
341     /***
342      * <p>Set the maximum available number of BDD nodes.</p>
343      * 
344      * <p>Compare to bdd_setmaxnodenum.</p>
345      * 
346      * @param size  maximum number of nodes
347      * @return old value
348      */
349     public abstract int setMaxNodeNum(int size);
351     /***
352      * <p>Set minimum percentage of nodes to be reclaimed after a garbage
353      * collection.  If this percentage is not reclaimed, the node table
354      * will be grown.  The range of x is 0..1.  The default is .20.</p>
355      * 
356      * <p>Compare to bdd_setminfreenodes.</p>
357      * 
358      * @param x  number from 0 to 1
359      * @return old value
360      */
361     public abstract double setMinFreeNodes(double x);
363     /***
364      * <p>Set maximum number of nodes by which to increase node table after
365      * a garbage collection.</p>
366      * 
367      * <p>Compare to bdd_setmaxincrease.</p>
368      * 
369      * @param x  maximum number of nodes by which to increase node table
370      * @return old value
371      */
372     public abstract int setMaxIncrease(int x);
374     /***
375      * <p>Set factor by which to increase node table after a garbage
376      * collection.  The amount of growth is still limited by
377      * <tt>setMaxIncrease()</tt>.</p>
378      * 
379      * @param x  factor by which to increase node table after GC
380      * @return old value
381      */
382     public abstract double setIncreaseFactor(double x);
384     /***
385      * <p>Sets the cache ratio for the operator caches.  When the node table
386      * grows, operator caches will also grow to maintain the ratio.</p>
387      * 
388      * <p>Compare to bdd_setcacheratio.</p>
389      * 
390      * @param x  cache ratio
391      */
392     public abstract double setCacheRatio(double x);
394     /***
395      * <p>Sets the node table size.</p>
396      * 
397      * @param n  new size of table
398      * @return old size of table
399      */
400     public abstract int setNodeTableSize(int n);
402     /***
403      * <p>Sets cache size.</p>
404      * 
405      * @return old cache size
406      */
407     public abstract int setCacheSize(int n);
411     /***** VARIABLE NUMBERS ****/
413     /***
414      * <p>Returns the number of defined variables.</p>
415      * 
416      * <p>Compare to bdd_varnum.</p>
417      */
418     public abstract int varNum();
420     /***
421      * <p>Set the number of used BDD variables.  It can be called more than one
422      * time, but only to increase the number of variables.</p>
423      * 
424      * <p>Compare to bdd_setvarnum.</p>
425      * 
426      * @param num  new number of BDD variables
427      * @return old number of BDD variables
428      */
429     public abstract int setVarNum(int num);
431     /***
432      * <p>Add extra BDD variables.  Extends the current number of allocated BDD
433      * variables with num extra variables.</p>
434      * 
435      * <p>Compare to bdd_extvarnum.</p>
436      * 
437      * @param num  number of BDD variables to add
438      * @return old number of BDD variables
439      */
440     public int extVarNum(int num) {
441         int start = varNum();
442         if (num < 0 || num > 0x3FFFFFFF)
443            throw new BDDException();
444         setVarNum(start+num);
445         return start;
446     }
448     /***
449      * <p>Returns a BDD representing the I'th variable.  (One node with the
450      * children true and false.)  The requested variable must be in the
451      * (zero-indexed) range defined by <tt>setVarNum</tt>.</p>
452      * 
453      * <p>Compare to bdd_ithvar.</p>
454      * 
455      * @param var  the variable number
456      * @return the I'th variable on success, otherwise the constant false BDD
457      */
458     public abstract BDD ithVar(int var);
460     /***
461      * <p>Returns a BDD representing the negation of the I'th variable.  (One node
462      * with the children false and true.)  The requested variable must be in the
463      * (zero-indexed) range defined by <tt>setVarNum</tt>.</p>
464      * 
465      * <p>Compare to bdd_nithvar.</p>
466      * 
467      * @param var  the variable number
468      * @return the negated I'th variable on success, otherwise the constant false BDD
469      */
470     public abstract BDD nithVar(int var);
474     /***** INPUT / OUTPUT ****/
476     /***
477      * <p>Prints all used entries in the node table.</p>
478      * 
479      * <p>Compare to bdd_printall.</p>
480      */
481     public abstract void printAll();
483     /***
484      * <p>Prints the node table entries used by a BDD.</p>
485      * 
486      * <p>Compare to bdd_printtable.</p>
487      */
488     public abstract void printTable(BDD b);
490     /***
491      * <p>Loads a BDD from a file.</p>
492      * 
493      * <p>Compare to bdd_load.</p>
494      */
495     public BDD load(String filename) throws IOException {
496         BufferedReader r = null;
497         try {
498             r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
499             BDD result = load(r);
500             return result;
501         } finally {
502             if (r != null) try { r.close(); } catch (IOException _) { }
503         }
504     }
505     // TODO: error code from bdd_load (?)
507     /***
508      * <p>Loads a BDD from the given input.</p>
509      * 
510      * <p>Compare to bdd_load.</p>
511      * 
512      * @param ifile  reader
513      * @return BDD
514      */
515     public BDD load(BufferedReader ifile) throws IOException {
516         return load(ifile, null);
517     }
519     /***
520      * <p>Loads a BDD from the given input, translating BDD variables according
521      * to the given map.</p>
522      * 
523      * <p>Compare to bdd_load.</p>
524      * 
525      * @param ifile  reader
526      * @param translate  variable translation map
527      * @return BDD
528      */
529     public BDD load(BufferedReader ifile, int[] translate) throws IOException {
531         tokenizer = null;
533         int lh_nodenum = Integer.parseInt(readNext(ifile));
534         int vnum = Integer.parseInt(readNext(ifile));
536         // Check for constant true / false
537         if (lh_nodenum == 0 && vnum == 0) {
538             int r = Integer.parseInt(readNext(ifile));
539             return r == 0 ? zero() : universe();
540         }
542         // Not actually used.
543         int[] loadvar2level = new int[vnum];
544         for (int n = 0; n < vnum; n++) {
545             loadvar2level[n] = Integer.parseInt(readNext(ifile));
546         }
548         if (vnum > varNum())
549             setVarNum(vnum);
551         LoadHash[] lh_table = new LoadHash[lh_nodenum];
552         for (int n = 0; n < lh_nodenum; n++) {
553             lh_table[n] = new LoadHash();
554             lh_table[n].first = -1;
555             lh_table[n].next = n + 1;
556         }
557         lh_table[lh_nodenum - 1].next = -1;
558         int lh_freepos = 0;
560         BDD root = null;
561         for (int n = 0; n < lh_nodenum; n++) {
562             int key = Integer.parseInt(readNext(ifile));
563             int var = Integer.parseInt(readNext(ifile));
564             if (translate != null)
565                 var = translate[var];
566             int lowi = Integer.parseInt(readNext(ifile));
567             int highi = Integer.parseInt(readNext(ifile));
569             BDD low, high;
571             low = loadhash_get(lh_table, lh_nodenum, lowi);
572             high = loadhash_get(lh_table, lh_nodenum, highi);
574             if (low == null || high == null || var < 0)
575                 throw new BDDException("Incorrect file format");
577             BDD b = ithVar(var);
578             root = b.ite(high, low);
579   ;
580             if (low.isZero() || low.isOne());
581             if (high.isZero() || high.isOne());
583             int hash = key % lh_nodenum;
584             int pos = lh_freepos;
586             lh_freepos = lh_table[pos].next;
587             lh_table[pos].next = lh_table[hash].first;
588             lh_table[hash].first = pos;
590             lh_table[pos].key = key;
591             lh_table[pos].data = root;
592         }
593         BDD tmproot =;
595         for (int n = 0; n < lh_nodenum; n++)
596             lh_table[n];
598         lh_table = null;
599         loadvar2level = null;
601         return tmproot;
602     }
604     /***
605      * Used for tokenization during loading.
606      */
607     protected StringTokenizer tokenizer;
609     /***
610      * Read the next token from the file.
611      * 
612      * @param ifile  reader
613      * @return  next string token
614      */
615     protected String readNext(BufferedReader ifile) throws IOException {
616         while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
617             String s = ifile.readLine();
618             if (s == null)
619                 throw new BDDException("Incorrect file format");
620             tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(s);
621         }
622         return tokenizer.nextToken();
623     }
625     /***
626      * LoadHash is used to hash during loading.
627      */
628     protected static class LoadHash {
629         int key;
630         BDD data;
631         int first;
632         int next;
633     }
635     /***
636      * Gets a BDD from the load hash table.
637      */
638     protected BDD loadhash_get(LoadHash[] lh_table, int lh_nodenum, int key) {
639         if (key < 0) return null;
640         if (key == 0) return zero();
641         if (key == 1) return universe();
643         int hash = lh_table[key % lh_nodenum].first;
645         while (hash != -1 && lh_table[hash].key != key)
646             hash = lh_table[hash].next;
648         if (hash == -1)
649             return null;
650         return lh_table[hash].data;
651     }
653     /***
654      * <p>Saves a BDD to a file.</p>
655      * 
656      * <p>Compare to bdd_save.</p>
657      */
658     public void save(String filename, BDD var) throws IOException {
659         BufferedWriter is = null;
660         try {
661             is = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename));
662             save(is, var);
663         } finally {
664             if (is != null) try { is.close(); } catch (IOException _) { }
665         }
666     }
667     // TODO: error code from bdd_save (?)
669     /***
670      * <p>Saves a BDD to an output writer.</p>
671      * 
672      * <p>Compare to bdd_save.</p>
673      */
674     public void save(BufferedWriter out, BDD r) throws IOException {
675         if (r.isOne() || r.isZero()) {
676             out.write("0 0 " + (r.isOne()?1:0) + "\n");
677             return;
678         }
680         out.write(r.nodeCount() + " " + varNum() + "\n");
682         for (int x = 0; x < varNum(); x++)
683             out.write(var2Level(x) + " ");
684         out.write("\n");
686         //Map visited = new HashMap();
687         BitSet visited = new BitSet(getNodeTableSize());
688         save_rec(out, visited,;
690         //for (Iterator it = visited.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
691         //    BDD b = (BDD);
692         //    if (b != r);
693         //}
694     }
696     /***
697      * Helper function for save().
698      */
699     protected int save_rec_original(BufferedWriter out, Map visited, BDD root) throws IOException {
700         if (root.isZero()) {
701   ;
702             return 0;
703         }
704         if (root.isOne()) {
705   ;
706             return 1;
707         }
708         Integer i = (Integer) visited.get(root);
709         if (i != null) {
710   ;
711             return i.intValue();
712         }
713         int v = visited.size() + 2;
714         visited.put(root, new Integer(v));
716         BDD l = root.low();
717         int lo = save_rec_original(out, visited, l);
719         BDD h = root.high();
720         int hi = save_rec_original(out, visited, h);
722         out.write(v + " ");
723         out.write(root.var() + " ");
724         out.write(lo + " ");
725         out.write(hi + "\n");
727         return v;
728     }
731     /***
732      * Helper function for save().
733      */
734     protected int save_rec(BufferedWriter out, BitSet visited, BDD root) throws IOException {
735         if (root.isZero()) {
736   ;
737             return 0;
738         }
739         if (root.isOne()) {
740   ;
741             return 1;
742         }
743         int i = root.hashCode();
744         if (visited.get(i)) {
745   ;
746             return i;
747         }
748         int v = i;
749         visited.set(i);
751         BDD h = root.high();
753         BDD l = root.low();
755         int rootvar = root.var();
758         int lo = save_rec(out, visited, l);
760         int hi = save_rec(out, visited, h);
762         out.write(i + " ");
763         out.write(rootvar + " ");
764         out.write(lo + " ");
765         out.write(hi + "\n");
767         return v;
768     }
770     // TODO: bdd_blockfile_hook
771     // TODO: bdd_versionnum, bdd_versionstr
776     /***** REORDERING ****/
778     /***
779      * <p>Convert from a BDD level to a BDD variable.</p>
780      * 
781      * <p>Compare to bdd_level2var.</p>
782      */
783     public abstract int level2Var(int level);
785     /***
786      * <p>Convert from a BDD variable to a BDD level.</p>
787      * 
788      * <p>Compare to bdd_var2level.</p>
789      */
790     public abstract int var2Level(int var);
792     /***
793      * No reordering.
794      */
795     public static final ReorderMethod REORDER_NONE    = new ReorderMethod(0, "NONE");
797     /***
798      * Reordering using a sliding window of 2.
799      */
800     public static final ReorderMethod REORDER_WIN2    = new ReorderMethod(1, "WIN2");
802     /***
803      * Reordering using a sliding window of 2, iterating until no further
804      * progress.
805      */
806     public static final ReorderMethod REORDER_WIN2ITE = new ReorderMethod(2, "WIN2ITE");
808     /***
809      * Reordering using a sliding window of 3.
810      */
811     public static final ReorderMethod REORDER_WIN3    = new ReorderMethod(5, "WIN3");
813     /***
814      * Reordering using a sliding window of 3, iterating until no further
815      * progress.
816      */
817     public static final ReorderMethod REORDER_WIN3ITE = new ReorderMethod(6, "WIN3ITE");
819     /***
820      * Reordering where each block is moved through all possible positions.  The
821      * best of these is then used as the new position.  Potentially a very slow
822      * but good method.
823      */
824     public static final ReorderMethod REORDER_SIFT    = new ReorderMethod(3, "SIFT");
826     /***
827      * Same as REORDER_SIFT, but the process is repeated until no further
828      * progress is done.  Can be extremely slow.
829      */
830     public static final ReorderMethod REORDER_SIFTITE = new ReorderMethod(4, "SIFTITE");
832     /***
833      * Selects a random position for each variable.  Mostly used for debugging
834      * purposes.
835      */
836     public static final ReorderMethod REORDER_RANDOM  = new ReorderMethod(7, "RANDOM");
838     /***
839      * Enumeration class for method reordering techniques.  Use the static fields
840      * in BDDFactory to access the different reordering techniques.
841      */
842     public static class ReorderMethod {
843         final int id; final String name;
844         private ReorderMethod(int id, String name) {
845    = id;
846    = name;
847         }
848         /* (non-Javadoc)
849          * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
850          */
851         public String toString() {
852             return name;
853         }
854     }
856     /***
857      * <p>Reorder the BDD with the given method.</p>
858      * 
859      * <p>Compare to bdd_reorder.</p>
860      */
861     public abstract void reorder(ReorderMethod m);
863     /***
864      * <p>Enables automatic reordering.  If method is REORDER_NONE then automatic
865      * reordering is disabled.</p>
866      * 
867      * <p>Compare to bdd_autoreorder.</p>
868      */
869     public abstract void autoReorder(ReorderMethod method);
871     /***
872      * <p>Enables automatic reordering with the given (maximum) number of
873      * reorderings. If method is REORDER_NONE then automatic reordering is
874      * disabled.</p>
875      * 
876      * <p>Compare to bdd_autoreorder_times.</p>
877      */
878     public abstract void autoReorder(ReorderMethod method, int max);
880     /***
881      * <p>Returns the current reorder method as defined by autoReorder.</p>
882      * 
883      * <p>Compare to bdd_getreorder_method.</p>
884      * 
885      * @return ReorderMethod
886      */
887     public abstract ReorderMethod getReorderMethod();
889     /***
890      * <p>Returns the number of allowed reorderings left.  This value can be
891      * defined by autoReorder.</p>
892      * 
893      * <p>Compare to bdd_getreorder_times.</p>
894      */
895     public abstract int getReorderTimes();
897     /***
898      * <p>Disable automatic reordering until enableReorder is called.  Reordering
899      * is enabled by default as soon as any variable blocks have been defined.</p>
900      * 
901      * <p>Compare to bdd_disable_reorder.</p>
902      */
903     public abstract void disableReorder();
905     /***
906      * <p>Enable automatic reordering after a call to disableReorder.</p>
907      * 
908      * <p>Compare to bdd_enable_reorder.</p>
909      */
910     public abstract void enableReorder();
912     /***
913      * <p>Enables verbose information about reordering.  A value of zero means no
914      * information, one means some information and greater than one means lots
915      * of information.</p>
916      * 
917      * @param v the new verbose level
918      * @return the old verbose level
919      */
920     public abstract int reorderVerbose(int v);
922     /***
923      * <p>This function sets the current variable order to be the one defined by
924      * neworder.  The variable parameter neworder is interpreted as a sequence
925      * of variable indices and the new variable order is exactly this sequence.
926      * The array must contain all the variables defined so far.  If, for
927      * instance the current number of variables is 3 and neworder contains
928      * [1; 0; 2] then the new variable order is v1<v0<v2.</p>
929      * 
930      * <p>Note that this operation must walk through the node table many times,
931      * and therefore it is much more efficient to call this when the node table
932      * is small.</p> 
933      * 
934      * @param neworder  new variable order
935      */
936     public abstract void setVarOrder(int[] neworder);
938     /***
939      * <p>Gets the current variable order.</p>
940      * 
941      * @return variable order
942      */
943     public int[] getVarOrder() {
944         int n = varNum();
945         int[] result = new int[n];
946         for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
947             result[i] = level2Var(i);
948         }
949         return result;
950     }
952     /***
953      * <p>Make a new BDDPairing object.</p>
954      * 
955      * <p>Compare to bdd_newpair.</p>
956      */
957     public abstract BDDPairing makePair();
959     /***
960      * Make a new pairing that maps from one variable to another.
961      * 
962      * @param oldvar  old variable
963      * @param newvar  new variable
964      * @return  BDD pairing
965      */
966     public BDDPairing makePair(int oldvar, int newvar) {
967         BDDPairing p = makePair();
968         p.set(oldvar, newvar);
969         return p;
970     }
972     /***
973      * Make a new pairing that maps from one variable to another BDD.
974      * 
975      * @param oldvar  old variable
976      * @param newvar  new BDD
977      * @return  BDD pairing
978      */
979     public BDDPairing makePair(int oldvar, BDD newvar) {
980         BDDPairing p = makePair();
981         p.set(oldvar, newvar);
982         return p;
983     }
985     /***
986      * Make a new pairing that maps from one BDD domain to another.
987      * 
988      * @param oldvar  old BDD domain
989      * @param newvar  new BDD domain
990      * @return  BDD pairing
991      */
992     public BDDPairing makePair(BDDDomain oldvar, BDDDomain newvar) {
993         BDDPairing p = makePair();
994         p.set(oldvar, newvar);
995         return p;
996     }
998     /***
999      * <p>Swap two variables.</p>
1000      * 
1001      * <p>Compare to bdd_swapvar.</p>
1002      */
1003     public abstract void swapVar(int v1, int v2);
1005     /***** VARIABLE BLOCKS ****/
1007     /***
1008      * <p>Adds a new variable block for reordering.</p>
1009      * 
1010      * <p>Creates a new variable block with the variables in the variable set var.
1011      * The variables in var must be contiguous.</p>
1012      * 
1013      * <p>The fixed parameter sets the block to be fixed (no reordering of its
1014      * child blocks is allowed) or free.</p>
1015      * 
1016      * <p>Compare to bdd_addvarblock.</p>
1017      */
1018     public void addVarBlock(BDDVarSet var, boolean fixed) {
1019         int[] v = var.toArray();
1020         int first, last;
1021         if (v.length < 1)
1022             throw new BDDException("Invalid parameter for addVarBlock");
1024         first = last = v[0];
1026         for (int n = 1; n < v.length; n++) {
1027             if (v[n] < first)
1028                 first = v[n];
1029             if (v[n] > last)
1030                 last = v[n];
1031         }
1033         addVarBlock(first, last, fixed);
1034     }
1035     // TODO: handle error code for addVarBlock.
1037     /***
1038      * <p>Adds a new variable block for reordering.</p>
1039      * 
1040      * <p>Creates a new variable block with the variables numbered first through
1041      * last, inclusive.</p>
1042      * 
1043      * <p>The fixed parameter sets the block to be fixed (no reordering of its
1044      * child blocks is allowed) or free.</p>
1045      * 
1046      * <p>Compare to bdd_intaddvarblock.</p>
1047      */
1048     public abstract void addVarBlock(int first, int last, boolean fixed);
1049     // TODO: handle error code for addVarBlock.
1050     // TODO: fdd_intaddvarblock (?)
1052     /***
1053      * <p>Add a variable block for all variables.</p>
1054      * 
1055      * <p>Adds a variable block for all BDD variables declared so far.  Each block
1056      * contains one variable only.  More variable blocks can be added later with
1057      * the use of addVarBlock -- in this case the tree of variable blocks will
1058      * have the blocks of single variables as the leafs.</p>
1059      * 
1060      * <p>Compare to bdd_varblockall.</p>
1061      */
1062     public abstract void varBlockAll();
1064     /***
1065      * <p>Clears all the variable blocks that have been defined by calls to
1066      * addVarBlock.</p>
1067      * 
1068      * <p>Compare to bdd_clrvarblocks.</p>
1069      */
1070     public abstract void clearVarBlocks();
1072     /***
1073      * <p>Prints an indented list of the variable blocks.</p>
1074      * 
1075      * <p>Compare to bdd_printorder.</p>
1076      */
1077     public abstract void printOrder();
1081     /***** BDD STATS ****/
1083     /***
1084      * Get the BDD library version.
1085      * 
1086      * @return  version string
1087      */
1088     public abstract String getVersion();
1090     /***
1091      * <p>Counts the number of shared nodes in a collection of BDDs.  Counts all
1092      * distinct nodes that are used in the BDDs -- if a node is used in more
1093      * than one BDD then it only counts once.</p>
1094      * 
1095      * <p>Compare to bdd_anodecount.</p>
1096      */
1097     public abstract int nodeCount(Collection/*BDD*/ r);
1099     /***
1100      * <p>Get the number of allocated nodes.  This includes both dead and active
1101      * nodes.</p>
1102      * 
1103      * <p>Compare to bdd_getallocnum.</p>
1104      */
1105     public abstract int getNodeTableSize();
1107     /***
1108      * <p>Get the number of active nodes in use.  Note that dead nodes that have
1109      * not been reclaimed yet by a garbage collection are counted as active.</p>
1110      * 
1111      * <p>Compare to bdd_getnodenum.</p>
1112      */
1113     public abstract int getNodeNum();
1115     /***
1116      * <p>Get the current size of the cache, in entries.</p>
1117      * 
1118      * @return  size of cache
1119      */
1120     public abstract int getCacheSize();
1122     /***
1123      * <p>Calculate the gain in size after a reordering.  The value returned is
1124      * (100*(A-B))/A, where A is previous number of used nodes and B is current
1125      * number of used nodes.</p>
1126      * 
1127      * <p>Compare to bdd_reorder_gain.</p>
1128      */
1129     public abstract int reorderGain();
1131     /***
1132      * <p>Print cache statistics.</p>
1133      * 
1134      * <p>Compare to bdd_printstat.</p>
1135      */
1136     public abstract void printStat();
1138     /***
1139      * Stores statistics about garbage collections.
1140      * 
1141      * @author jwhaley
1142      * @version $Id: 476 2007-03-06 06:08:40Z joewhaley $
1143      */
1144     public static class GCStats {
1145         public int nodes;
1146         public int freenodes;
1147         public long time;
1148         public long sumtime;
1149         public int num;
1151         protected GCStats() { }
1153         /* (non-Javadoc)
1154          * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
1155          */
1156         public String toString() {
1157             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
1158             sb.append("Garbage collection #");
1159             sb.append(num);
1160             sb.append(": ");
1161             sb.append(nodes);
1162             sb.append(" nodes / ");
1163             sb.append(freenodes);
1164             sb.append(" free");
1166             sb.append(" / ");
1167             sb.append((float) time / (float) 1000);
1168             sb.append("s / ");
1169             sb.append((float) sumtime / (float) 1000);
1170             sb.append("s total");
1171             return sb.toString();
1172         }
1173     }
1175     /***
1176      * Singleton object for GC statistics.
1177      */
1178     protected GCStats gcstats = new GCStats();
1180     /***
1181      * <p>Return the current GC statistics for this BDD factory.</p>
1182      * 
1183      * @return  GC statistics
1184      */
1185     public GCStats getGCStats() {
1186         return gcstats;
1187     }
1189     /***
1190      * Stores statistics about reordering.
1191      * 
1192      * @author jwhaley
1193      * @version $Id: 476 2007-03-06 06:08:40Z joewhaley $
1194      */
1195     public static class ReorderStats {
1197         public long time;
1198         public int usednum_before, usednum_after;
1200         protected ReorderStats() { }
1202         public int gain() {
1203             if (usednum_before == 0)
1204                 return 0;
1206             return (100 * (usednum_before - usednum_after)) / usednum_before;
1207         }
1209         public String toString() {
1210             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
1211             sb.append("Went from ");
1212             sb.append(usednum_before);
1213             sb.append(" to ");
1214             sb.append(usednum_after);
1215             sb.append(" nodes, gain = ");
1216             sb.append(gain());
1217             sb.append("% (");
1218             sb.append((float) time / 1000f);
1219             sb.append(" sec)");
1220             return sb.toString();
1221         }
1222     }
1224     /***
1225      * Singleton object for reorder statistics.
1226      */
1227     protected ReorderStats reorderstats = new ReorderStats();
1229     /***
1230      * <p>Return the current reordering statistics for this BDD factory.</p>
1231      * 
1232      * @return  reorder statistics
1233      */
1234     public ReorderStats getReorderStats() {
1235         return reorderstats;
1236     }
1238     /***
1239      * Stores statistics about the operator cache.
1240      * 
1241      * @author jwhaley
1242      * @version $Id: 476 2007-03-06 06:08:40Z joewhaley $
1243      */
1244     public static class CacheStats {
1245         public int uniqueAccess;
1246         public int uniqueChain;
1247         public int uniqueHit;
1248         public int uniqueMiss;
1249         public int opHit;
1250         public int opMiss;
1251         public int swapCount;
1253         protected CacheStats() { }
1255         void copyFrom(CacheStats that) {
1256             this.uniqueAccess = that.uniqueAccess;
1257             this.uniqueChain = that.uniqueChain;
1258             this.uniqueHit = that.uniqueHit;
1259             this.uniqueMiss = that.uniqueMiss;
1260             this.opHit = that.opHit;
1261             this.opMiss = that.opMiss;
1262             this.swapCount = that.swapCount;
1263         }
1265         /* (non-Javadoc)
1266          * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
1267          */
1268         public String toString() {
1269             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
1270             String newLine = getProperty("line.separator", "\n");
1271             sb.append(newLine);
1272             sb.append("Cache statistics");
1273             sb.append(newLine);
1274             sb.append("----------------");
1275             sb.append(newLine);
1277             sb.append("Unique Access:  ");
1278             sb.append(uniqueAccess);
1279             sb.append(newLine);
1280             sb.append("Unique Chain:   ");
1281             sb.append(uniqueChain);
1282             sb.append(newLine);
1283             sb.append("=> Ave. chain = ");
1284             if (uniqueAccess > 0)
1285                 sb.append(((float) uniqueChain) / ((float) uniqueAccess));
1286             else
1287                 sb.append((float)0);
1288             sb.append(newLine);
1289             sb.append("Unique Hit:     ");
1290             sb.append(uniqueHit);
1291             sb.append(newLine);
1292             sb.append("Unique Miss:    ");
1293             sb.append(uniqueMiss);
1294             sb.append(newLine);
1295             sb.append("=> Hit rate =   ");
1296             if (uniqueHit + uniqueMiss > 0)
1297                 sb.append(((float) uniqueHit) / ((float) uniqueHit + uniqueMiss));
1298             else
1299                 sb.append((float)0);
1300             sb.append(newLine);
1301             sb.append("Operator Hits:  ");
1302             sb.append(opHit);
1303             sb.append(newLine);
1304             sb.append("Operator Miss:  ");
1305             sb.append(opMiss);
1306             sb.append(newLine);
1307             sb.append("=> Hit rate =   ");
1308             if (opHit + opMiss > 0)
1309                 sb.append(((float) opHit) / ((float) opHit + opMiss));
1310             else
1311                 sb.append((float)0);
1312             sb.append(newLine);
1313             sb.append("Swap count =    ");
1314             sb.append(swapCount);
1315             sb.append(newLine);
1316             return sb.toString();
1317         }
1318     }
1320     /***
1321      * Singleton object for cache statistics.
1322      */
1323     protected CacheStats cachestats = new CacheStats();
1325     /***
1326      * <p>Return the current cache statistics for this BDD factory.</p>
1327      * 
1328      * @return  cache statistics
1329      */
1330     public CacheStats getCacheStats() {
1331         return cachestats;
1332     }
1334     // TODO: bdd_sizeprobe_hook
1335     // TODO: bdd_reorder_probe
1339     /***** FINITE DOMAINS ****/
1341     protected BDDDomain[] domain;
1342     protected int fdvarnum;
1343     protected int firstbddvar;
1345     /***
1346      * <p>Implementors must implement this factory method to create BDDDomain
1347      * objects of the correct type.</p>
1348      */
1349     protected BDDDomain createDomain(int a, BigInteger b) {
1350         return new BDDDomain(a, b) {
1351             public BDDFactory getFactory() { return BDDFactory.this; }
1352         };
1353     }
1355     /***
1356      * <p>Creates a new finite domain block of the given size.  Allocates
1357      * log 2 (|domainSize|) BDD variables for the domain.</p>
1358      */
1359     public BDDDomain extDomain(long domainSize) {
1360         return extDomain(BigInteger.valueOf(domainSize));
1361     }
1362     public BDDDomain extDomain(BigInteger domainSize) {
1363         return extDomain(new BigInteger[] { domainSize })[0];
1364     }
1366     /***
1367      * <p>Extends the set of finite domain blocks with domains of the given sizes.
1368      * Each entry in domainSizes is the size of a new finite domain which later
1369      * on can be used for finite state machine traversal and other operations on
1370      * finite domains.  Each domain allocates log 2 (|domainSizes[i]|) BDD
1371      * variables to be used later.  The ordering is interleaved for the domains
1372      * defined in each call to extDomain. This means that assuming domain D0
1373      * needs 2 BDD variables x1 and x2 , and another domain D1 needs 4 BDD
1374      * variables y1, y2, y3 and y4, then the order then will be x1, y1, x2, y2,
1375      * y3, y4.  The new domains are returned in order.  The BDD variables needed
1376      * to encode the domain are created for the purpose and do not interfere
1377      * with the BDD variables already in use.</p>
1378      * 
1379      * <p>Compare to fdd_extdomain.</p>
1380      */
1381     public BDDDomain[] extDomain(int[] dom) {
1382         BigInteger[] a = new BigInteger[dom.length];
1383         for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
1384             a[i] = BigInteger.valueOf(dom[i]);
1385         }
1386         return extDomain(a);
1387     }
1388     public BDDDomain[] extDomain(long[] dom) {
1389         BigInteger[] a = new BigInteger[dom.length];
1390         for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
1391             a[i] = BigInteger.valueOf(dom[i]);
1392         }
1393         return extDomain(a);
1394     }
1395     public BDDDomain[] extDomain(BigInteger[] domainSizes) {
1396         int offset = fdvarnum;
1397         int binoffset;
1398         int extravars = 0;
1399         int n, bn;
1400         boolean more;
1401         int num = domainSizes.length;
1403         /* Build domain table */
1404         if (domain == null) /* First time */ {
1405             domain = new BDDDomain[num];
1406         } else /* Allocated before */ {
1407             if (fdvarnum + num > domain.length) {
1408                 int fdvaralloc = domain.length + Math.max(num, domain.length);
1409                 BDDDomain[] d2 = new BDDDomain[fdvaralloc];
1410                 System.arraycopy(domain, 0, d2, 0, domain.length);
1411                 domain = d2;
1412             }
1413         }
1415         /* Create bdd variable tables */
1416         for (n = 0; n < num; n++) {
1417             domain[n + fdvarnum] = createDomain(n + fdvarnum, domainSizes[n]);
1418             extravars += domain[n + fdvarnum].varNum();
1419         }
1421         binoffset = firstbddvar;
1422         int bddvarnum = varNum();
1423         if (firstbddvar + extravars > bddvarnum) {
1424             setVarNum(firstbddvar + extravars);
1425         }
1427         /* Set correct variable sequence (interleaved) */
1428         for (bn = 0, more = true; more; bn++) {
1429             more = false;
1431             for (n = 0; n < num; n++) {
1432                 if (bn < domain[n + fdvarnum].varNum()) {
1433                     more = true;
1434                     domain[n + fdvarnum].ivar[bn] = binoffset++;
1435                 }
1436             }
1437         }
1439         if (isZDD()) {
1440             // Need to rebuild varsets for existing domains.
1441             for (n = 0; n < fdvarnum; n++) {
1442                 domain[n];
1443                 domain[n].var =
1444                     makeSet(domain[n].ivar);
1445             }
1446         }
1447         for (n = 0; n < num; n++) {
1448             domain[n + fdvarnum].var =
1449                 makeSet(domain[n + fdvarnum].ivar);
1450         }
1452         fdvarnum += num;
1453         firstbddvar += extravars;
1455         BDDDomain[] r = new BDDDomain[num];
1456         System.arraycopy(domain, offset, r, 0, num);
1457         return r;
1458     }
1460     /***
1461      * <p>This function takes two finite domain blocks and merges them
1462      * into a new one, such that the new one is encoded using both sets
1463      * of BDD variables.</p>
1464      * 
1465      * <p>Compare to fdd_overlapdomain.</p>
1466      */
1467     public BDDDomain overlapDomain(BDDDomain d1, BDDDomain d2) {
1468         BDDDomain d;
1469         int n;
1471         int fdvaralloc = domain.length;
1472         if (fdvarnum + 1 > fdvaralloc) {
1473             fdvaralloc += fdvaralloc;
1474             BDDDomain[] domain2 = new BDDDomain[fdvaralloc];
1475             System.arraycopy(domain, 0, domain2, 0, domain.length);
1476             domain = domain2;
1477         }
1479         d = domain[fdvarnum];
1480         d.realsize = d1.realsize.multiply(d2.realsize);
1481         d.ivar = new int[d1.varNum() + d2.varNum()];
1483         for (n = 0; n < d1.varNum(); n++)
1484             d.ivar[n] = d1.ivar[n];
1485         for (n = 0; n < d2.varNum(); n++)
1486             d.ivar[d1.varNum() + n] = d2.ivar[n];
1488         d.var = makeSet(d.ivar);
1489         //bdd_addref(d.var);
1491         fdvarnum++;
1492         return d;
1493     }
1495     /***
1496      * <p>Returns a BDD defining all the variable sets used to define the variable
1497      * blocks in the given array.</p>
1498      * 
1499      * <p>Compare to fdd_makeset.</p>
1500      */
1501     public BDDVarSet makeSet(BDDDomain[] v) {
1502         BDDVarSet res = emptySet();
1503         int n;
1505         for (n = 0; n < v.length; n++) {
1506             res.unionWith(v[n].set());
1507         }
1509         return res;
1510     }
1512     /***
1513      * <p>Clear all allocated finite domain blocks that were defined by extDomain()
1514      * or overlapDomain().</p>
1515      * 
1516      * <p>Compare to fdd_clearall.</p>
1517      */
1518     public void clearAllDomains() {
1519         domain = null;
1520         fdvarnum = 0;
1521         firstbddvar = 0;
1522     }
1524     /***
1525      * <p>Returns the number of finite domain blocks defined by calls to
1526      * extDomain().</p>
1527      * 
1528      * <p>Compare to fdd_domainnum.</p>
1529      */
1530     public int numberOfDomains() {
1531         return fdvarnum;
1532     }
1534     /***
1535      * <p>Returns the ith finite domain block, as defined by calls to
1536      * extDomain().</p>
1537      */
1538     public BDDDomain getDomain(int i) {
1539         if (i < 0 || i >= fdvarnum)
1540             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
1541         return domain[i];
1542     }
1544     // TODO: fdd_file_hook, fdd_strm_hook
1546     /***
1547      * <p>Creates a variable ordering from a string.  The resulting order
1548      * can be passed into <tt>setVarOrder()</tt>.  Example: in the order
1549      * "A_BxC_DxExF", the bits for A are first, followed by the bits for
1550      * B and C interleaved, followed by the bits for D, E, and F
1551      * interleaved.</p>
1552      * 
1553      * <p>Obviously, domain names cannot contain the 'x' or '_'
1554      * characters.</p>
1555      * 
1556      * @param reverseLocal  whether to reverse the bits of each domain
1557      * @param ordering  string representation of ordering
1558      * @return  int[] of ordering
1559      * @see net.sf.javabdd.BDDFactory#setVarOrder(int[])
1560      */
1561     public int[] makeVarOrdering(boolean reverseLocal, String ordering) {
1563         int varnum = varNum();
1565         int nDomains = numberOfDomains();
1566         int[][] localOrders = new int[nDomains][];
1567         for (int i=0; i<localOrders.length; ++i) {
1568             localOrders[i] = new int[getDomain(i).varNum()];
1569         }
1571         for (int i=0; i<nDomains; ++i) {
1572             BDDDomain d = getDomain(i);
1573             int nVars = d.varNum();
1574             for (int j=0; j<nVars; ++j) {
1575                 if (reverseLocal) {
1576                     localOrders[i][j] = nVars - j - 1;
1577                 } else {
1578                     localOrders[i][j] = j;
1579                 }
1580             }
1581         }
1583         BDDDomain[] doms = new BDDDomain[nDomains];
1585         int[] varorder = new int[varnum];
1587         //System.out.println("Ordering: "+ordering);
1588         StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ordering, "x_", true);
1589         int numberOfDomains = 0, bitIndex = 0;
1590         boolean[] done = new boolean[nDomains];
1591         for (int i=0; ; ++i) {
1592             String s = st.nextToken();
1593             BDDDomain d;
1594             for (int j=0; ; ++j) {
1595                 if (j == numberOfDomains())
1596                     throw new BDDException("bad domain: "+s);
1597                 d = getDomain(j);
1598                 if (s.equals(d.getName())) break;
1599             }
1600             if (done[d.getIndex()])
1601                 throw new BDDException("duplicate domain: "+s);
1602             done[d.getIndex()] = true;
1603             doms[i] = d;
1604             if (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
1605                 s = st.nextToken();
1606                 if (s.equals("x")) {
1607                     ++numberOfDomains;
1608                     continue;
1609                 }
1610             }
1611             bitIndex = fillInVarIndices(doms, i-numberOfDomains, numberOfDomains+1,
1612                                         localOrders, bitIndex, varorder);
1613             if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) {
1614                 break;
1615             }
1616             if (s.equals("_"))
1617                 numberOfDomains = 0;
1618             else
1619                 throw new BDDException("bad token: "+s);
1620         }
1622         for (int i=0; i<doms.length; ++i) {
1623             if (!done[i]) {
1624                 throw new BDDException("missing domain #"+i+": "+getDomain(i));
1625             }
1626         }
1628         while (bitIndex < varorder.length) {
1629             varorder[bitIndex] = bitIndex;
1630             ++bitIndex;
1631         }
1633         int[] test = new int[varorder.length];
1634         System.arraycopy(varorder, 0, test, 0, varorder.length);
1635         Arrays.sort(test);
1636         for (int i=0; i<test.length; ++i) {
1637             if (test[i] != i) 
1638                 throw new BDDException(test[i]+" != "+i);
1639         }
1641         return varorder;
1642     }
1644     /***
1645      * Helper function for makeVarOrder().
1646      */
1647     static int fillInVarIndices(
1648                          BDDDomain[] doms, int domainIndex, int numDomains,
1649                          int[][] localOrders, int bitIndex, int[] varorder) {
1650         // calculate size of largest domain to interleave
1651         int maxBits = 0;
1652         for (int i=0; i<numDomains; ++i) {
1653             BDDDomain d = doms[domainIndex+i];
1654             maxBits = Math.max(maxBits, d.varNum());
1655         }
1656         // interleave the domains
1657         for (int bitNumber=0; bitNumber<maxBits; ++bitNumber) {
1658             for (int i=0; i<numDomains; ++i) {
1659                 BDDDomain d = doms[domainIndex+i];
1660                 if (bitNumber < d.varNum()) {
1661                     int di = d.getIndex();
1662                     int local = localOrders[di][bitNumber];
1663                     if (local >= d.vars().length) {
1664                         System.out.println("bug!");
1665                     }
1666                     if (bitIndex >= varorder.length) {
1667                         System.out.println("bug2!");
1668                     }
1669                     varorder[bitIndex++] = d.vars()[local];
1670                 }
1671             }
1672         }
1673         return bitIndex;
1674     }
1678     /***** BIT VECTORS ****/
1680     /***
1681      * <p>Implementors must implement this factory method to create BDDBitVector
1682      * objects of the correct type.</p>
1683      */
1684     protected BDDBitVector createBitVector(int a) {
1685         return new BDDBitVector(a) {
1686             public BDDFactory getFactory() { return BDDFactory.this; }
1687         };
1688     }
1690     /***
1691      * <p>Build a bit vector that is constant true or constant false.</p>
1692      * 
1693      * <p>Compare to bvec_true, bvec_false.</p>
1694      */
1695     public BDDBitVector buildVector(int bitnum, boolean b) {
1696         BDDBitVector v = createBitVector(bitnum);
1697         v.initialize(b);
1698         return v;
1699     }
1701     /***
1702      * <p>Build a bit vector that corresponds to a constant value.</p>
1703      * 
1704      * <p>Compare to bvec_con.</p>
1705      */
1706     public BDDBitVector constantVector(int bitnum, long val) {
1707         BDDBitVector v = createBitVector(bitnum);
1708         v.initialize(val);
1709         return v;
1710     }
1711     public BDDBitVector constantVector(int bitnum, BigInteger val) {
1712         BDDBitVector v = createBitVector(bitnum);
1713         v.initialize(val);
1714         return v;
1715     }
1717     /***
1718      * <p>Build a bit vector using variables offset, offset+step,
1719      * offset+2*step, ... , offset+(bitnum-1)*step.</p>
1720      * 
1721      * <p>Compare to bvec_var.</p>
1722      */
1723     public BDDBitVector buildVector(int bitnum, int offset, int step) {
1724         BDDBitVector v = createBitVector(bitnum);
1725         v.initialize(offset, step);
1726         return v;
1727     }
1729     /***
1730      * <p>Build a bit vector using variables from the given BDD domain.</p>
1731      * 
1732      * <p>Compare to bvec_varfdd.</p>
1733      */
1734     public BDDBitVector buildVector(BDDDomain d) {
1735         BDDBitVector v = createBitVector(d.varNum());
1736         v.initialize(d);
1737         return v;
1738     }
1740     /***
1741      * <p>Build a bit vector using the given variables.</p>
1742      * 
1743      * <p>compare to bvec_varvec.</p>
1744      */
1745     public BDDBitVector buildVector(int[] var) {
1746         BDDBitVector v = createBitVector(var.length);
1747         v.initialize(var);
1748         return v;
1749     }
1753     /***** CALLBACKS ****/
1755     protected List gc_callbacks, reorder_callbacks, resize_callbacks;
1757     /***
1758      * <p>Register a callback that is called when garbage collection is about
1759      * to occur.</p>
1760      * 
1761      * @param o  base object
1762      * @param m  method
1763      */
1764     public void registerGCCallback(Object o, Method m) {
1765         if (gc_callbacks == null) gc_callbacks = new LinkedList();
1766         registerCallback(gc_callbacks, o, m);
1767     }
1769     /***
1770      * <p>Unregister a garbage collection callback that was previously
1771      * registered.</p>
1772      * 
1773      * @param o  base object
1774      * @param m  method
1775      */
1776     public void unregisterGCCallback(Object o, Method m) {
1777         if (gc_callbacks == null) throw new BDDException();
1778         if (!unregisterCallback(gc_callbacks, o, m))
1779             throw new BDDException();
1780     }
1782     /***
1783      * <p>Register a callback that is called when reordering is about
1784      * to occur.</p>
1785      * 
1786      * @param o  base object
1787      * @param m  method
1788      */
1789     public void registerReorderCallback(Object o, Method m) {
1790         if (reorder_callbacks == null) reorder_callbacks = new LinkedList();
1791         registerCallback(reorder_callbacks, o, m);
1792     }
1794     /***
1795      * <p>Unregister a reorder callback that was previously
1796      * registered.</p>
1797      * 
1798      * @param o  base object
1799      * @param m  method
1800      */
1801     public void unregisterReorderCallback(Object o, Method m) {
1802         if (reorder_callbacks == null) throw new BDDException();
1803         if (!unregisterCallback(reorder_callbacks, o, m))
1804             throw new BDDException();
1805     }
1807     /***
1808      * <p>Register a callback that is called when node table resizing is about
1809      * to occur.</p>
1810      * 
1811      * @param o  base object
1812      * @param m  method
1813      */
1814     public void registerResizeCallback(Object o, Method m) {
1815         if (resize_callbacks == null) resize_callbacks = new LinkedList();
1816         registerCallback(resize_callbacks, o, m);
1817     }
1819     /***
1820      * <p>Unregister a reorder callback that was previously
1821      * registered.</p>
1822      * 
1823      * @param o  base object
1824      * @param m  method
1825      */
1826     public void unregisterResizeCallback(Object o, Method m) {
1827         if (resize_callbacks == null) throw new BDDException();
1828         if (!unregisterCallback(resize_callbacks, o, m))
1829             throw new BDDException();
1830     }
1832     protected void gbc_handler(boolean pre, GCStats s) {
1833         if (gc_callbacks == null) {
1834             bdd_default_gbchandler(pre, s);
1835         } else {
1836             doCallbacks(gc_callbacks, new Integer(pre?1:0), s);
1837         }
1838     }
1840     protected static void bdd_default_gbchandler(boolean pre, GCStats s) {
1841         if (pre) {
1842             if (s.freenodes != 0)
1843                 System.err.println("Starting GC cycle  #"+(s.num+1)+
1844                                    ": "+s.nodes+" nodes / "+s.freenodes+" free");
1845         } else {
1846             System.err.println(s.toString());
1847         }
1848     }
1850     void reorder_handler(boolean b, ReorderStats s) {
1851         if (b) {
1852             s.usednum_before = getNodeNum();
1853             s.time = System.currentTimeMillis();
1854         } else {
1855             s.time = System.currentTimeMillis() - s.time;
1856             s.usednum_after = getNodeNum();
1857         }
1858         if (reorder_callbacks == null) {
1859             bdd_default_reohandler(b, s);
1860         } else {
1861             doCallbacks(reorder_callbacks, new Boolean(b), s);
1862         }
1863     }
1865     protected void bdd_default_reohandler(boolean prestate, ReorderStats s) {
1866         int verbose = 1;
1867         if (verbose > 0) {
1868             if (prestate) {
1869                 System.out.println("Start reordering");
1870             } else {
1871                 System.out.println("End reordering. "+s);
1872             }
1873         }
1874     }
1876     protected void resize_handler(int oldsize, int newsize) {
1877         if (resize_callbacks == null) {
1878             bdd_default_reshandler(oldsize, newsize);
1879         } else {
1880             doCallbacks(resize_callbacks, new Integer(oldsize), new Integer(newsize));
1881         }
1882     }
1884     protected static void bdd_default_reshandler(int oldsize, int newsize) {
1885         int verbose = 1;
1886         if (verbose > 0) {
1887             System.out.println("Resizing node table from "+oldsize+" to "+newsize);
1888         }
1889     }
1891     protected void registerCallback(List callbacks, Object o, Method m) {
1892         if (!Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()) && !m.isAccessible()) {
1893             throw new BDDException("Callback method not accessible");
1894         }
1895         if (!Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers())) {
1896             if (o == null) {
1897                 throw new BDDException("Base object for callback method is null");
1898             }
1899             if (!m.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(o.getClass())) {
1900                 throw new BDDException("Base object for callback method is the wrong type");
1901             }
1902         }
1903         if (false) {
1904             Class[] params = m.getParameterTypes();
1905             if (params.length != 1 || params[0] != int.class) {
1906                 throw new BDDException("Wrong signature for callback");
1907             }
1908         }
1909         callbacks.add(new Object[] { o, m });
1910     }
1912     protected boolean unregisterCallback(List callbacks, Object o, Method m) {
1913         if (callbacks != null) {
1914             for (Iterator i = callbacks.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
1915                 Object[] cb = (Object[]);
1916                 if (o == cb[0] && m.equals(cb[1])) {
1917                     i.remove();
1918                     return true;
1919                 }
1920             }
1921         }
1922         return false;
1923     }
1925     protected void doCallbacks(List callbacks, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
1926         if (callbacks != null) {
1927             for (Iterator i = callbacks.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
1928                 Object[] cb = (Object[]);
1929                 Object o = cb[0];
1930                 Method m = (Method) cb[1];
1931                 try {
1932                     switch (m.getParameterTypes().length) {
1933                     case 0:
1934                         m.invoke(o, new Object[] { } );
1935                         break;
1936                     case 1:
1937                         m.invoke(o, new Object[] { arg1 } );
1938                         break;
1939                     case 2:
1940                         m.invoke(o, new Object[] { arg1, arg2 } );
1941                         break;
1942                     default:
1943                         throw new BDDException("Wrong number of arguments for "+m);
1944                     }
1945                 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
1946                     e.printStackTrace();
1947                 } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
1948                     e.printStackTrace();
1949                 } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
1950                     if (e.getTargetException() instanceof RuntimeException)
1951                         throw (RuntimeException) e.getTargetException();
1952                     if (e.getTargetException() instanceof Error)
1953                         throw (Error) e.getTargetException();
1954                     e.printStackTrace();
1955                 }
1956             }
1957         }
1958     }
1960 }