public abstract class BDDFactory
Interface for the creation and manipulation of BDDs.
Nested Class Summary | |
static class |
Enumeration class for binary operations on BDDs. |
static class |
Stores statistics about the operator cache. |
static class |
Stores statistics about garbage collections. |
protected static class |
LoadHash is used to hash during loading. |
static class |
Enumeration class for method reordering techniques. |
static class |
Stores statistics about reordering. |
Field Summary | |
static BDDFactory.BDDOp |
Logical 'and'. |
static BDDFactory.BDDOp |
Logical 'bi-implication'. |
protected BDDFactory.CacheStats |
Singleton object for cache statistics. |
static BDDFactory.BDDOp |
Set difference. |
protected BDDDomain[] |
protected int |
protected int |
protected List |
protected BDDFactory.GCStats |
Singleton object for GC statistics. |
static BDDFactory.BDDOp |
Logical 'implication'. |
static BDDFactory.BDDOp |
Inverse implication. |
static BDDFactory.BDDOp |
Less than. |
static BDDFactory.BDDOp |
Logical 'nand'. |
static BDDFactory.BDDOp |
Logical 'nor'. |
static BDDFactory.BDDOp |
Logical 'or'. |
protected List |
static BDDFactory.ReorderMethod |
No reordering. |
static BDDFactory.ReorderMethod |
Selects a random position for each variable. |
static BDDFactory.ReorderMethod |
Reordering where each block is moved through all possible positions. |
static BDDFactory.ReorderMethod |
Same as REORDER_SIFT, but the process is repeated until no further progress is done. |
static BDDFactory.ReorderMethod |
Reordering using a sliding window of 2. |
static BDDFactory.ReorderMethod |
Reordering using a sliding window of 2, iterating until no further progress. |
static BDDFactory.ReorderMethod |
Reordering using a sliding window of 3. |
static BDDFactory.ReorderMethod |
Reordering using a sliding window of 3, iterating until no further progress. |
protected BDDFactory.ReorderStats |
Singleton object for reorder statistics. |
protected List |
protected StringTokenizer |
Used for tokenization during loading. |
static BDDFactory.BDDOp |
Logical 'xor'. |
Constructor Summary | |
protected |
Construct a new BDDFactory. |
Method Summary | |
void |
addVarBlock(BDDVarSet var,
boolean fixed)
Adds a new variable block for reordering. |
abstract void |
addVarBlock(int first,
int last,
boolean fixed)
Adds a new variable block for reordering. |
abstract void |
autoReorder(BDDFactory.ReorderMethod method)
Enables automatic reordering. |
abstract void |
autoReorder(BDDFactory.ReorderMethod method,
int max)
Enables automatic reordering with the given (maximum) number of reorderings. |
protected static void |
bdd_default_gbchandler(boolean pre,
BDDFactory.GCStats s)
protected void |
bdd_default_reohandler(boolean prestate,
BDDFactory.ReorderStats s)
protected static void |
bdd_default_reshandler(int oldsize,
int newsize)
buildCube(int value,
int[] variables)
Build a cube from an array of variables. |
buildCube(int value,
List variables)
Build a cube from an array of variables. |
BDDBitVector |
buildVector(BDDDomain d)
Build a bit vector using variables from the given BDD domain. |
BDDBitVector |
buildVector(int[] var)
Build a bit vector using the given variables. |
BDDBitVector |
buildVector(int bitnum,
boolean b)
Build a bit vector that is constant true or constant false. |
BDDBitVector |
buildVector(int bitnum,
int offset,
int step)
Build a bit vector using variables offset, offset+step, offset+2*step, ... |
void |
Clear all allocated finite domain blocks that were defined by extDomain() or overlapDomain(). |
abstract void |
Clears any outstanding error condition. |
abstract void |
Clears all the variable blocks that have been defined by calls to addVarBlock. |
BDDBitVector |
constantVector(int bitnum,
BigInteger val)
BDDBitVector |
constantVector(int bitnum,
long val)
Build a bit vector that corresponds to a constant value. |
protected BDDBitVector |
createBitVector(int a)
Implementors must implement this factory method to create BDDBitVector objects of the correct type. |
protected BDDDomain |
createDomain(int a,
BigInteger b)
Implementors must implement this factory method to create BDDDomain objects of the correct type. |
abstract void |
Disable automatic reordering until enableReorder is called. |
protected void |
doCallbacks(List callbacks,
Object arg1,
Object arg2)
abstract void |
This function frees all memory used by the BDD package and resets the package to its uninitialized state. |
BDDVarSet |
Get an empty BDDVarSet. |
abstract void |
Enable automatic reordering after a call to disableReorder. |
BDDDomain |
extDomain(BigInteger domainSize)
BDDDomain[] |
extDomain(BigInteger[] domainSizes)
BDDDomain[] |
extDomain(int[] dom)
Extends the set of finite domain blocks with domains of the given sizes. |
BDDDomain |
extDomain(long domainSize)
Creates a new finite domain block of the given size. |
BDDDomain[] |
extDomain(long[] dom)
int |
extVarNum(int num)
Add extra BDD variables. |
protected void |
gbc_handler(boolean pre,
BDDFactory.GCStats s)
abstract int |
Get the current size of the cache, in entries. |
BDDFactory.CacheStats |
Return the current cache statistics for this BDD factory. |
BDDDomain |
getDomain(int i)
Returns the ith finite domain block, as defined by calls to extDomain(). |
BDDFactory.GCStats |
Return the current GC statistics for this BDD factory. |
abstract int |
Get the number of active nodes in use. |
abstract int |
Get the number of allocated nodes. |
static String |
getProperty(String key,
String def)
abstract BDDFactory.ReorderMethod |
Returns the current reorder method as defined by autoReorder. |
BDDFactory.ReorderStats |
Return the current reordering statistics for this BDD factory. |
abstract int |
Returns the number of allowed reorderings left. |
int[] |
Gets the current variable order. |
abstract String |
Get the BDD library version. |
static BDDFactory |
init(int nodenum,
int cachesize)
Initializes a BDD factory with the given initial node table size and operation cache size. |
static BDDFactory |
init(String bddpackage,
int nodenum,
int cachesize)
Initializes a BDD factory of the given type with the given initial node table size and operation cache size. |
protected abstract void |
initialize(int nodenum,
int cachesize)
Compare to bdd_init. |
abstract boolean |
Returns true if this BDD factory is initialized, false otherwise. |
boolean |
Returns true if this is a ZDD factory, false otherwise. |
abstract BDD |
ithVar(int var)
Returns a BDD representing the I'th variable. |
abstract int |
level2Var(int level)
Convert from a BDD level to a BDD variable. |
load(BufferedReader ifile)
Loads a BDD from the given input. |
load(BufferedReader ifile,
int[] translate)
Loads a BDD from the given input, translating BDD variables according to the given map. |
load(String filename)
Loads a BDD from a file. |
protected BDD |
loadhash_get(BDDFactory.LoadHash[] lh_table,
int lh_nodenum,
int key)
Gets a BDD from the load hash table. |
abstract BDDPairing |
Make a new BDDPairing object. |
BDDPairing |
makePair(BDDDomain oldvar,
BDDDomain newvar)
Make a new pairing that maps from one BDD domain to another. |
BDDPairing |
makePair(int oldvar,
BDD newvar)
Make a new pairing that maps from one variable to another BDD. |
BDDPairing |
makePair(int oldvar,
int newvar)
Make a new pairing that maps from one variable to another. |
BDDVarSet |
makeSet(BDDDomain[] v)
Returns a BDD defining all the variable sets used to define the variable blocks in the given array. |
BDDVarSet |
makeSet(int[] varset)
Builds a BDD variable set from an integer array. |
int[] |
makeVarOrdering(boolean reverseLocal,
String ordering)
Creates a variable ordering from a string. |
abstract BDD |
nithVar(int var)
Returns a BDD representing the negation of the I'th variable. |
abstract int |
nodeCount(Collection r)
Counts the number of shared nodes in a collection of BDDs. |
int |
Returns the number of finite domain blocks defined by calls to extDomain(). |
abstract BDD |
Get the constant true BDD. |
BDDDomain |
overlapDomain(BDDDomain d1,
BDDDomain d2)
This function takes two finite domain blocks and merges them into a new one, such that the new one is encoded using both sets of BDD variables. |
abstract void |
Prints all used entries in the node table. |
abstract void |
Prints an indented list of the variable blocks. |
abstract void |
Print cache statistics. |
abstract void |
printTable(BDD b)
Prints the node table entries used by a BDD. |
protected String |
readNext(BufferedReader ifile)
Read the next token from the file. |
protected void |
registerCallback(List callbacks,
Object o,
Method m)
void |
registerGCCallback(Object o,
Method m)
Register a callback that is called when garbage collection is about to occur. |
void |
registerReorderCallback(Object o,
Method m)
Register a callback that is called when reordering is about to occur. |
void |
registerResizeCallback(Object o,
Method m)
Register a callback that is called when node table resizing is about to occur. |
abstract void |
reorder(BDDFactory.ReorderMethod m)
Reorder the BDD with the given method. |
abstract int |
Calculate the gain in size after a reordering. |
abstract int |
reorderVerbose(int v)
Enables verbose information about reordering. |
void |
Reset the BDD factory to its initial state. |
protected void |
resize_handler(int oldsize,
int newsize)
protected int |
save_rec_original(BufferedWriter out,
Map visited,
BDD root)
Helper function for save(). |
protected int |
save_rec(BufferedWriter out,
BitSet visited,
BDD root)
Helper function for save(). |
void |
save(BufferedWriter out,
BDD r)
Saves a BDD to an output writer. |
void |
save(String filename,
BDD var)
Saves a BDD to a file. |
abstract double |
setCacheRatio(double x)
Sets the cache ratio for the operator caches. |
abstract int |
setCacheSize(int n)
Sets cache size. |
abstract void |
setError(int code)
Sets the error condition. |
abstract double |
setIncreaseFactor(double x)
Set factor by which to increase node table after a garbage collection. |
abstract int |
setMaxIncrease(int x)
Set maximum number of nodes by which to increase node table after a garbage collection. |
abstract int |
setMaxNodeNum(int size)
Set the maximum available number of BDD nodes. |
abstract double |
setMinFreeNodes(double x)
Set minimum percentage of nodes to be reclaimed after a garbage collection. |
abstract int |
setNodeTableSize(int n)
Sets the node table size. |
abstract int |
setVarNum(int num)
Set the number of used BDD variables. |
abstract void |
setVarOrder(int[] neworder)
This function sets the current variable order to be the one defined by neworder. |
abstract void |
swapVar(int v1,
int v2)
Swap two variables. |
Get the constant universe BDD. |
protected boolean |
unregisterCallback(List callbacks,
Object o,
Method m)
void |
unregisterGCCallback(Object o,
Method m)
Unregister a garbage collection callback that was previously registered. |
void |
unregisterReorderCallback(Object o,
Method m)
Unregister a reorder callback that was previously registered. |
void |
unregisterResizeCallback(Object o,
Method m)
Unregister a reorder callback that was previously registered. |
abstract int |
var2Level(int var)
Convert from a BDD variable to a BDD level. |
abstract void |
Add a variable block for all variables. |
abstract int |
Returns the number of defined variables. |
abstract BDD |
Get the constant false BDD. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public static final BDDFactory.BDDOp and
public static final BDDFactory.BDDOp xor
public static final BDDFactory.BDDOp or
public static final BDDFactory.BDDOp nand
public static final BDDFactory.BDDOp nor
public static final BDDFactory.BDDOp imp
public static final BDDFactory.BDDOp biimp
public static final BDDFactory.BDDOp diff
public static final BDDFactory.BDDOp less
public static final BDDFactory.BDDOp invimp
protected StringTokenizer tokenizer
public static final BDDFactory.ReorderMethod REORDER_NONE
public static final BDDFactory.ReorderMethod REORDER_WIN2
public static final BDDFactory.ReorderMethod REORDER_WIN2ITE
public static final BDDFactory.ReorderMethod REORDER_WIN3
public static final BDDFactory.ReorderMethod REORDER_WIN3ITE
public static final BDDFactory.ReorderMethod REORDER_SIFT
public static final BDDFactory.ReorderMethod REORDER_SIFTITE
public static final BDDFactory.ReorderMethod REORDER_RANDOM
protected BDDFactory.GCStats gcstats
protected BDDFactory.ReorderStats reorderstats
protected BDDFactory.CacheStats cachestats
protected BDDDomain[] domain
protected int fdvarnum
protected int firstbddvar
protected List gc_callbacks
protected List reorder_callbacks
protected List resize_callbacks
Constructor Detail |
protected BDDFactory()
Construct a new BDDFactory.
Method Detail |
public static final String getProperty(String key, String def)
public static BDDFactory init(int nodenum, int cachesize)
Initializes a BDD factory with the given initial node table size and operation cache size. Tries to use the "buddy" native library; if it fails, it falls back to the "java" library.
- initial node table sizecachesize
- operation cache size
public static BDDFactory init(String bddpackage, int nodenum, int cachesize)
Initializes a BDD factory of the given type with the given initial node table size and operation cache size. The type is a string that can be "buddy", "cudd", "cal", "j", "java", "jdd", "test", "typed", or a name of a class that has an init() method that returns a BDDFactory. If it fails, it falls back to the "java" factory.
- BDD package string identifiernodenum
- initial node table sizecachesize
- operation cache size
public boolean isZDD()
Returns true if this is a ZDD factory, false otherwise.
public abstract BDD zero()
Get the constant false BDD.
Compare to bdd_false.
public abstract BDD one()
Get the constant true BDD.
Compare to bdd_true.
public BDD universe()
Get the constant universe BDD. (The universe BDD differs from the one BDD in ZDD mode.)
Compare to bdd_true.
public BDDVarSet emptySet()
Get an empty BDDVarSet.
Compare to bdd_true.
public BDD buildCube(int value, List variables)
Build a cube from an array of variables.
Compare to bdd_buildcube.
public BDD buildCube(int value, int[] variables)
Build a cube from an array of variables.
Compare to bdd_ibuildcube./p>
public BDDVarSet makeSet(int[] varset)
Builds a BDD variable set from an integer array. The integer array varset holds the variable numbers. The BDD variable set is represented by a conjunction of all the variables in their positive form.
Compare to bdd_makeset.
protected abstract void initialize(int nodenum, int cachesize)
Compare to bdd_init.
- the initial number of BDD nodescachesize
- the size of caches used by the BDD operatorspublic abstract boolean isInitialized()
Returns true if this BDD factory is initialized, false otherwise.
Compare to bdd_isrunning.
public void reset()
Reset the BDD factory to its initial state. Everything is reallocated from scratch. This is like calling done() followed by initialize().
public abstract void done()
This function frees all memory used by the BDD package and resets the package to its uninitialized state. The BDD package is no longer usable after this call.
Compare to bdd_done.
public abstract void setError(int code)
Sets the error condition. This will cause the BDD package to throw an exception at the next garbage collection.
- the error code to setpublic abstract void clearError()
Clears any outstanding error condition.
public abstract int setMaxNodeNum(int size)
Set the maximum available number of BDD nodes.
Compare to bdd_setmaxnodenum.
- maximum number of nodes
public abstract double setMinFreeNodes(double x)
Set minimum percentage of nodes to be reclaimed after a garbage collection. If this percentage is not reclaimed, the node table will be grown. The range of x is 0..1. The default is .20.
Compare to bdd_setminfreenodes.
- number from 0 to 1
public abstract int setMaxIncrease(int x)
Set maximum number of nodes by which to increase node table after a garbage collection.
Compare to bdd_setmaxincrease.
- maximum number of nodes by which to increase node table
public abstract double setIncreaseFactor(double x)
Set factor by which to increase node table after a garbage collection. The amount of growth is still limited by setMaxIncrease().
- factor by which to increase node table after GC
public abstract double setCacheRatio(double x)
Sets the cache ratio for the operator caches. When the node table grows, operator caches will also grow to maintain the ratio.
Compare to bdd_setcacheratio.
- cache ratiopublic abstract int setNodeTableSize(int n)
Sets the node table size.
- new size of table
public abstract int setCacheSize(int n)
Sets cache size.
public abstract int varNum()
Returns the number of defined variables.
Compare to bdd_varnum.
public abstract int setVarNum(int num)
Set the number of used BDD variables. It can be called more than one time, but only to increase the number of variables.
Compare to bdd_setvarnum.
- new number of BDD variables
public int extVarNum(int num)
Add extra BDD variables. Extends the current number of allocated BDD variables with num extra variables.
Compare to bdd_extvarnum.
- number of BDD variables to add
public abstract BDD ithVar(int var)
Returns a BDD representing the I'th variable. (One node with the children true and false.) The requested variable must be in the (zero-indexed) range defined by setVarNum.
Compare to bdd_ithvar.
- the variable number
public abstract BDD nithVar(int var)
Returns a BDD representing the negation of the I'th variable. (One node with the children false and true.) The requested variable must be in the (zero-indexed) range defined by setVarNum.
Compare to bdd_nithvar.
- the variable number
public abstract void printAll()
Prints all used entries in the node table.
Compare to bdd_printall.
public abstract void printTable(BDD b)
Prints the node table entries used by a BDD.
Compare to bdd_printtable.
public BDD load(String filename) throws IOException
Loads a BDD from a file.
Compare to bdd_load.
public BDD load(BufferedReader ifile) throws IOException
Loads a BDD from the given input.
Compare to bdd_load.
- reader
public BDD load(BufferedReader ifile, int[] translate) throws IOException
Loads a BDD from the given input, translating BDD variables according to the given map.
Compare to bdd_load.
- readertranslate
- variable translation map
protected String readNext(BufferedReader ifile) throws IOException
- reader
protected BDD loadhash_get(BDDFactory.LoadHash[] lh_table, int lh_nodenum, int key)
public void save(String filename, BDD var) throws IOException
Saves a BDD to a file.
Compare to bdd_save.
public void save(BufferedWriter out, BDD r) throws IOException
Saves a BDD to an output writer.
Compare to bdd_save.
protected int save_rec_original(BufferedWriter out, Map visited, BDD root) throws IOException
protected int save_rec(BufferedWriter out, BitSet visited, BDD root) throws IOException
public abstract int level2Var(int level)
Convert from a BDD level to a BDD variable.
Compare to bdd_level2var.
public abstract int var2Level(int var)
Convert from a BDD variable to a BDD level.
Compare to bdd_var2level.
public abstract void reorder(BDDFactory.ReorderMethod m)
Reorder the BDD with the given method.
Compare to bdd_reorder.
public abstract void autoReorder(BDDFactory.ReorderMethod method)
Enables automatic reordering. If method is REORDER_NONE then automatic reordering is disabled.
Compare to bdd_autoreorder.
public abstract void autoReorder(BDDFactory.ReorderMethod method, int max)
Enables automatic reordering with the given (maximum) number of reorderings. If method is REORDER_NONE then automatic reordering is disabled.
Compare to bdd_autoreorder_times.
public abstract BDDFactory.ReorderMethod getReorderMethod()
Returns the current reorder method as defined by autoReorder.
Compare to bdd_getreorder_method.
public abstract int getReorderTimes()
Returns the number of allowed reorderings left. This value can be defined by autoReorder.
Compare to bdd_getreorder_times.
public abstract void disableReorder()
Disable automatic reordering until enableReorder is called. Reordering is enabled by default as soon as any variable blocks have been defined.
Compare to bdd_disable_reorder.
public abstract void enableReorder()
Enable automatic reordering after a call to disableReorder.
Compare to bdd_enable_reorder.
public abstract int reorderVerbose(int v)
Enables verbose information about reordering. A value of zero means no information, one means some information and greater than one means lots of information.
- the new verbose level
public abstract void setVarOrder(int[] neworder)
This function sets the current variable order to be the one defined by
neworder. The variable parameter neworder is interpreted as a sequence
of variable indices and the new variable order is exactly this sequence.
The array must contain all the variables defined so far. If, for
instance the current number of variables is 3 and neworder contains
[1; 0; 2] then the new variable order is v1 Note that this operation must walk through the node table many times,
and therefore it is much more efficient to call this when the node table
is small.
- new variable order
public int[] getVarOrder()
Gets the current variable order.
public abstract BDDPairing makePair()
Make a new BDDPairing object.
Compare to bdd_newpair.
public BDDPairing makePair(int oldvar, int newvar)
- old variablenewvar
- new variable
public BDDPairing makePair(int oldvar, BDD newvar)
- old variablenewvar
- new BDD
public BDDPairing makePair(BDDDomain oldvar, BDDDomain newvar)
- old BDD domainnewvar
- new BDD domain
public abstract void swapVar(int v1, int v2)
Swap two variables.
Compare to bdd_swapvar.
public void addVarBlock(BDDVarSet var, boolean fixed)
Adds a new variable block for reordering.
Creates a new variable block with the variables in the variable set var. The variables in var must be contiguous.
The fixed parameter sets the block to be fixed (no reordering of its child blocks is allowed) or free.
Compare to bdd_addvarblock.
public abstract void addVarBlock(int first, int last, boolean fixed)
Adds a new variable block for reordering.
Creates a new variable block with the variables numbered first through last, inclusive.
The fixed parameter sets the block to be fixed (no reordering of its child blocks is allowed) or free.
Compare to bdd_intaddvarblock.
public abstract void varBlockAll()
Add a variable block for all variables.
Adds a variable block for all BDD variables declared so far. Each block contains one variable only. More variable blocks can be added later with the use of addVarBlock -- in this case the tree of variable blocks will have the blocks of single variables as the leafs.
Compare to bdd_varblockall.
public abstract void clearVarBlocks()
Clears all the variable blocks that have been defined by calls to addVarBlock.
Compare to bdd_clrvarblocks.
public abstract void printOrder()
Prints an indented list of the variable blocks.
Compare to bdd_printorder.
public abstract String getVersion()
public abstract int nodeCount(Collection r)
Counts the number of shared nodes in a collection of BDDs. Counts all distinct nodes that are used in the BDDs -- if a node is used in more than one BDD then it only counts once.
Compare to bdd_anodecount.
public abstract int getNodeTableSize()
Get the number of allocated nodes. This includes both dead and active nodes.
Compare to bdd_getallocnum.
public abstract int getNodeNum()
Get the number of active nodes in use. Note that dead nodes that have not been reclaimed yet by a garbage collection are counted as active.
Compare to bdd_getnodenum.
public abstract int getCacheSize()
Get the current size of the cache, in entries.
public abstract int reorderGain()
Calculate the gain in size after a reordering. The value returned is (100*(A-B))/A, where A is previous number of used nodes and B is current number of used nodes.
Compare to bdd_reorder_gain.
public abstract void printStat()
Print cache statistics.
Compare to bdd_printstat.
public BDDFactory.GCStats getGCStats()
Return the current GC statistics for this BDD factory.
public BDDFactory.ReorderStats getReorderStats()
Return the current reordering statistics for this BDD factory.
public BDDFactory.CacheStats getCacheStats()
Return the current cache statistics for this BDD factory.
protected BDDDomain createDomain(int a, BigInteger b)
Implementors must implement this factory method to create BDDDomain objects of the correct type.
public BDDDomain extDomain(long domainSize)
Creates a new finite domain block of the given size. Allocates log 2 (|domainSize|) BDD variables for the domain.
public BDDDomain extDomain(BigInteger domainSize)
public BDDDomain[] extDomain(int[] dom)
Extends the set of finite domain blocks with domains of the given sizes. Each entry in domainSizes is the size of a new finite domain which later on can be used for finite state machine traversal and other operations on finite domains. Each domain allocates log 2 (|domainSizes[i]|) BDD variables to be used later. The ordering is interleaved for the domains defined in each call to extDomain. This means that assuming domain D0 needs 2 BDD variables x1 and x2 , and another domain D1 needs 4 BDD variables y1, y2, y3 and y4, then the order then will be x1, y1, x2, y2, y3, y4. The new domains are returned in order. The BDD variables needed to encode the domain are created for the purpose and do not interfere with the BDD variables already in use.
Compare to fdd_extdomain.
public BDDDomain[] extDomain(long[] dom)
public BDDDomain[] extDomain(BigInteger[] domainSizes)
public BDDDomain overlapDomain(BDDDomain d1, BDDDomain d2)
This function takes two finite domain blocks and merges them into a new one, such that the new one is encoded using both sets of BDD variables.
Compare to fdd_overlapdomain.
public BDDVarSet makeSet(BDDDomain[] v)
Returns a BDD defining all the variable sets used to define the variable blocks in the given array.
Compare to fdd_makeset.
public void clearAllDomains()
Clear all allocated finite domain blocks that were defined by extDomain() or overlapDomain().
Compare to fdd_clearall.
public int numberOfDomains()
Returns the number of finite domain blocks defined by calls to extDomain().
Compare to fdd_domainnum.
public BDDDomain getDomain(int i)
Returns the ith finite domain block, as defined by calls to extDomain().
public int[] makeVarOrdering(boolean reverseLocal, String ordering)
Creates a variable ordering from a string. The resulting order can be passed into setVarOrder(). Example: in the order "A_BxC_DxExF", the bits for A are first, followed by the bits for B and C interleaved, followed by the bits for D, E, and F interleaved.
Obviously, domain names cannot contain the 'x' or '_' characters.
- whether to reverse the bits of each domainordering
- string representation of ordering
protected BDDBitVector createBitVector(int a)
Implementors must implement this factory method to create BDDBitVector objects of the correct type.
public BDDBitVector buildVector(int bitnum, boolean b)
Build a bit vector that is constant true or constant false.
Compare to bvec_true, bvec_false.
public BDDBitVector constantVector(int bitnum, long val)
Build a bit vector that corresponds to a constant value.
Compare to bvec_con.
public BDDBitVector constantVector(int bitnum, BigInteger val)
public BDDBitVector buildVector(int bitnum, int offset, int step)
Build a bit vector using variables offset, offset+step, offset+2*step, ... , offset+(bitnum-1)*step.
Compare to bvec_var.
public BDDBitVector buildVector(BDDDomain d)
Build a bit vector using variables from the given BDD domain.
Compare to bvec_varfdd.
public BDDBitVector buildVector(int[] var)
Build a bit vector using the given variables.
compare to bvec_varvec.
public void registerGCCallback(Object o, Method m)
Register a callback that is called when garbage collection is about to occur.
- base objectm
- methodpublic void unregisterGCCallback(Object o, Method m)
Unregister a garbage collection callback that was previously registered.
- base objectm
- methodpublic void registerReorderCallback(Object o, Method m)
Register a callback that is called when reordering is about to occur.
- base objectm
- methodpublic void unregisterReorderCallback(Object o, Method m)
Unregister a reorder callback that was previously registered.
- base objectm
- methodpublic void registerResizeCallback(Object o, Method m)
Register a callback that is called when node table resizing is about to occur.
- base objectm
- methodpublic void unregisterResizeCallback(Object o, Method m)
Unregister a reorder callback that was previously registered.
- base objectm
- methodprotected void gbc_handler(boolean pre, BDDFactory.GCStats s)
protected static void bdd_default_gbchandler(boolean pre, BDDFactory.GCStats s)
protected void bdd_default_reohandler(boolean prestate, BDDFactory.ReorderStats s)
protected void resize_handler(int oldsize, int newsize)
protected static void bdd_default_reshandler(int oldsize, int newsize)
protected void registerCallback(List callbacks, Object o, Method m)
protected boolean unregisterCallback(List callbacks, Object o, Method m)
protected void doCallbacks(List callbacks, Object arg1, Object arg2)